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West Seattle (206) 935-2414

Southcenter (206) 575-1194

Renton Highlands (425) 430-8844

Keep your smile
sound for life with
our Sound Smile
for Life Program!

Lost retainer? We've got you covered!

One-time $695 enrollment fee
Replace your retainers for the cost of the copay

Essix or Clear retainer copay: $45* | Hawley Retainer copay: $75*

Let's talk retainers.

Retention is ABSOLUTELY NECESSARY to maintain your results. Teeth naturally shift over time, but definite retainer wear reduces the shifting. A typical plan looks like wearing your retainers FULL TIME for 3 to 6 months and continued nighttime wear indefinitely. Retainers generally last 2 to 5 years depending on several factors.

Comprehensive orthodontics treatment with Sound Orthodontics includes your first set of retainers! Replacements and repairs are available for an additional fee.

Choose from our 2 options:

Hawley Retainers


Clear Essix Retainers


Protect your
smile for a

Playful dog

*Copay may change depending on current LAB and MATERIAL costs. Revised May 2024.